スペースXのロケットでエンジン不具合、「ドラゴン」は無事 [CNN]






Dragon safely en route to ISS as SpaceX review Falcon 9 ascent issues [NASASpaceflight]

SpaceX have been quick to provide some level of clarification into the event, noting Engine 1 suddenly lost pressure, resulting in an engine shutdown command being issued.

“We know the engine did not explode, because we continued to receive data from it,” noted SpaceX, before providing insight into the observed debris falling from the aft during the event.

“Our review indicates that the fairing that protects the engine from aerodynamic loads ruptured due to the engine pressure release, and that none of Falcon 9′s other eight engines were impacted by this event.”

Views from optical tracking cameras around Cape Canaveral showed a noticeable change in color and shape of the exhaust plume from the Falcon 9 first stage. Footage showed what appeared to be debris falling away in the wake of the rocket.

But SpaceX says telemetry data indicate the engine remained intact.

"We know the engine did not explode, because we continued to receive data from it," SpaceX said in a statement. "Our review indicates that the fairing that protects the engine from aerodynamic loads ruptured due to the engine pressure release, and that none of Falcon 9's other eight engines were impacted by this event."


そして今回のトラブルですが、事象としてはどうやらエンジン1に何らかの異常を検知しシャットダウンしたことで圧力を喪失。圧力を開放するためにエンジンカバーが脱落したようです。ここがよく分からないんですが、停止したエンジンからはテレメトリが引き続き届いていたため爆発して喪失したわけでは無いという見方のようです。エンジンの圧力が失われ、また圧力を逃がすためにエンジンカバーが脱落したということは、何らかのリークが発生したとかそんな感じでしょうか? ファルコン9の場合はエンジン1基、ある程度速度を稼いだあとなら2基の停止まで許容していますが、それが実際の運用で示される機会はこれが初めてですね。

The plan called for Falcon 9′s second stage to make a short second burn to raise its orbit ahead of deploying the Orbcomm satellite, around 45 minutes after Dragon had been separated. The burn of the second stage was, however, contingent on the stage being deemed healthy enough to make the burn.

Source information (L2 LINK) noted the health checks were specific to the stage’s pneumatic pressure, tank pressures, propellant mass, attitude and orbital radius, with some of the checks being carried out at SECO-1 during the mission, with another check scheduled at SES-2 (Second Engine Start 2).

Unfortunately, the propellant mass check at SECO-1 failed to pass the requirements to ensure safe insertion of Orbcomm and the second stage in an orbit away from Station, resulting in no second burn commanded.

The requirements were put in place after NASA teams evaluated the potential collision risk of Falcon 9 deployed Orbcomm satellites with the ISS. As such, NASA engineers had to use their experienced Monte Carlo analysis methods to set the safety parameters.

The backup plan was used to deploy the satellite into the upper stage’s parking orbit. The satellite is alive, in an elliptical orbit, but is likely not to survive for very long. The current plan is understood to revolve around using the small amount of remaining fuel to circular orbit, to provide it with a little more time on orbit before it eventually re-enters.


